Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Ground Breaking Work!

In October  2010 Groundwork London (GWL) was commissioned by Ascham Homes to deliver community consultation to open spaces on  Tenby Court, Tenby Road, Waltham Forest. The community
consultation involved local residents of the Tenby Court in identifying the kind of improvements that they would like to see in open spaces. 
Groundwork London engaged residents in the initial consultation through two days of door knocking and a consultation event to capture responses and ideas for improvements to the open spaces. 59.67 % of the residents responded to the surveys. Questionnaires with Freepost envelope were dropped in houses where there were ‘no shows’’. 
Tenby Court consists 117 properties with a mixture of social renting and privately owned. The estate outdoor spaces are in need of improvements with resident involvement in the decision making process. 
In addition to improve response rates GWL held a consultation event on the 13th November 2010 at Tenby Court  in which 10 adults and 12 children  attended. This allowed for richer data to be
collected as well as additional surveys to be completed. In total 59.67% of residents responded to the surveys through both events.

Some of the questions and feedback Included:
1) What, if anything, do you like about the open space on the estate?
Comments included;
  • Planting:  I like the gardens downstairs (2),
  • I grow plants and vegetables,
  • The trees are beautiful and they attract birds.
  • There is something I like about the architecture.
  • I like the way that some people are using the spaces to grow plants and vegetables.
  • Nice flower beds and rose bushes.
  • More trees needed to absorb noise.
  • Open Space: Its big and open space ( 6 ),
  • it’s a good area(3), 
  • Socialising: Mixing and chatting with neighbours (3)
  • Children’s play: Children’s play area(9) 
2) What, if anything, do you dislike about the open space on the estate?
Comments included;
  • Planting:  trees vandalised and died, not enough plants or flowers, 
  • Open Space: Poorly maintained, children play ball games and people do not pick dog poo, people leaving rubbish in the corridors, untidy(2), eye sore(2), used as a dogs toilet, space taken over by young children and cars, there’s nothing on the open spaces (13)
  • Children’s play: No play for children(8), noisy children while playing ball games, children play  late, gangs around the area use the court to smoke drugs and drinks, 
  • Anti Social: People ringing bell for fun. 
3) What would you change about open space on the estate if you could?
Comments included;
  • Planting:  colourful flowers, plant noise absorbing trees on the grass verges, 
  • Open Space:  seating benches(2), communal garden with colourful planting(3) , cleaner space, better maintenance, extend the car parking to the court, a communal hall, needs cleaning, place doors on rubbish bin rooms, secure open areas, improve entrance to court, 
  • Children’s play: special play area for children (3), refurbish the recreation areas at the back of court for young kids,  football cage, slide for kids, 
The activities in the community engagement event that was organised on 13th November 2010 from 11 am to 2 pm at Tenby Court included:
  • Pot painting and bulb planting by children,
  • Adults interacting with staff from Groundwork London and Ascham Homes on future improvements.
  • Two local Councillors Clare Coghill and Liaquat Ali attended the event and planted bulbs along with children on the raised beds. 10 children and 12 adults participated in the event.
In Conclusion
From the survey we can conclude that less than a quarter of residents don’t utilise the open space and some use it to dry clothes on the back side of the court.
More than half of the residents use it for socialising, letting their children play and sit and relax. 
Residents like the openness, gardens, trees and let their children enjoy playing on the open spaces, however, less than a quarter of residents didn’t like the quality of the open space. 
Residents would like to further their use of the open space by creating a communal garden in the centre for relaxation and fruit and food growing , colourful planting in the flower beds, refurbish the former youth play areas and improved access to the courts and tidier bins arrangements. 
Residents are in favour on having a central garden with colourful plants and seating for relaxation instead of a junior play area in central courtyard which results in noise and disturbances. However, they
are of the opinion that if the former play areas in backside of the court are refurbished for older children, then the adjacent open space could be used as a junior play area. 
The findings of the initial consultation will be fed into a master plan for Tenby Court by GWL’s landscape architects. 

Decent Homes Update 2011

Ascham Homes are transforming over 2000 homes in a £23.5m Decent Homes refurbishment

Ascham Homes on behalf of the London Borough of Waltham Forest are carrying out refurbishment works on over 2000 homes between now and April 2011, with the help of their Partners.

Ascham Homes have over 2,000 properties within the 2010 / 11 Decent Homes programme and are spending over £23.5 Million pounds to ensure that all property owned and managed by the Council meets the Government’s Decent Homes standard.

Meeting the Decent Homes Standard
To meet the standard, a property must have reasonably ‘modern facilities’, be warm and weatherproof. Work that Ascham Homes are doing includes replacing roofs, installing central heating and possibly new bathrooms and kitchens. The proposed work to each home is subject to individual surveys and is assessed in accordance with the Government’s Decent Homes Standard. Before any work is carried out to residents’ homes, they will be given sufficient notice and consulted about changes to the estate.

Apollo and Breyer have been appointed as Contractors and John Rowan Partners and Ridge are working with Ascham Homes to ensure the 2010 / 2011 Decent Homes programme meets its target.

Ascham Homes are commencing work before Christmas on some internal refurbishment, with work to the outside of buildings starting after Christmas. The work is expected to cost over £23m and by the end of November £9m of work had been placed with the contractors.

Four ‘drop in’ meetings have been held across the Borough for residents to find out about the programme of works and to consult with residents on the works that are likely to be carried out on their homes / estates. The meetings were attended by staff from Ascham Homes, including Tenancy Services, Right to Buy, John Rowan and Partners and Ridge & Co.

The Contractors will be contacting residents with more information and further leaseholder consultation will be held as the programme of works progresses.

Quotes from residents

1) Powell Court- Mr Islam

We asked if the resident was happy with the new Kitchen we had fitted, they made a comment that the workmen were very polite and got on with the work with no complications. He said he was over the moon with our work of the Contractors and even said we were "Perfect". Also that they were very helpful and dealt with any problems quickly and efficiently.

Overall they were really happy with the work that Apollo have done and look forward to Christmas with their new brighter kitchen.

2) Boyden Court - Ms Truong

The Resident was very happy with their new kitchen and their choice of colours. Was delighted with the information and help that was given by our Contractors Apollo and said that they were always at hand to help.

Their little girl was very happy to pose for our pictures and the gentlemen gave his daughter our winter warmer pack. Overall the resident was very happy and did not have any problems throughout the process.

Further information
Further information is available via the Ascham Homes ‘Decent Homes Programme’ page on our Internet site at Here you can search the Decent Homes database for works to homes and local areas, by entering the name of your street, estate or postcode. You can also call Ascham Direct on 020 8496 4197 for further information or to ask for a programme to be sent to you.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Why I want to be a Resident Board Member of Ascham Homes

Name: Dr Foluso Olomolaiye 
I have been a leaseholder in Leytonstone for 12 years. I have witnessed various developments in service delivery by Ascham Homes to residents during this time. As a board member I hope I can make a difference in the following areas:

·        Work with the Chief Executive and her staff to promote regular effective consultation on repairs and other works carried out on behalf of the residents. Currently there is a lot of indifference to residents’ views and complaints and many things appear to be carried out over their heads.
·        Hold the Chief Executive and her staff fully accountable for effective financial management of the Company and to pass regular information to residents on how the money is spent. There needs to be more openness and accountability to further enhance positive feelings among residents.
·        Put forward to the Board the views of tenant associations within this area with the aim of promoting positive and effective communication strategies among area panels. This might involve me in attending residents’ association meetings to listen to their concerns for onward transmission to the Board.
·        Work with the Chief Executive to ensure healthy working environment for her staff so that they can deliver effective services to Ascham Homesresidents. I am prepared to offer the Board and Ascham Homes the benefits of my professional experiences in social skills training and employee appraisals. I am a retired Consultant Psychologist.

Wanted!!!! Head of Business Transformation

Can you develop and deliver transformational change?

Do you want to be part of an Executive team driving a new culture and new standards of service?

Do you have experience of the development of strategies, and of managing support services or support service contracts?

If you think you might be interested in this position please do ring to speak to the Chief Executive (Madeleine Forster) on 0208 496 4967 for an informal discussion.

Back to work!

After the festive break,  Ascham Homes offices re-opened this morning at 9am.

See our website for a guide to our reception hours.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Christmas Opening Hours

Please be advised that we will be closed during the Christmas period, from Friday 24 December 2010 at 3pm and will resume normal office hours on Tuesday 4 January 2011.

During this period, in the case of an emergency, please contact Waltham Forest Direct, on: 020 8496 3000.